These lessons are a verse-by-verse Bible devotional commentary on the book of Revelation. The Revelation of Jesus Christ comes from God the Father; it was given to Jesus Christ who gives it to His angel to show to John to show to the Spirit and then finally to reveal to the churches. Truly, there is more to be learned in this book about Jesus than in the Gospel accounts. It is God's Son, Jesus Christ, the One coming world leader who will ultimately reign and rule upon this earth one day. Get ready to see Jesus . . .
This is the first lesson in a brand new study on the book of Revelation. We will cover Revelation 1:1-2. I want to welcome you to a study about hope, about God, about the future, about you and about Jesus Christ.This introductory study will encourange you to trust the One to whom this book reveals . . . the Lord Jesus Christ.
In this second study, we will be looking at Revelation 1:3-8. As we study this book, there are five specific purposes to be accomplished as one studies the contents of this book of Revelation. These verses in our study give us hope. There is hope . . . knowing that there is an end and that God is the beginning and the end of all.
In this lesson, we get a glimpse into how God brought this revelation to us so that we could read it and know it. Here we have a personal snapshot into the life of the writer John that God used. John is a humble man but now a prisoner on the island of Patmos.
In this study, we will see that the Lord Jesus Christ is the central person in this book. He is the focus all throughout. These verses are a description of Jesus Christ and what a beautiful, awesome Savior is here. He can see the real you and He loves you. This fourth lesson covers chapter 1:12-16.
In this concluding study of Revelation 1, we will learn about a hope that only God can offer. This hope is the motivation for genuine faith and the genuine kind of eternity God has for you. We have learned this book begins with Jesus saying, "don't be afraid". This fifth lesson covers chapter 1:17-20.
This study begins a look at the messages of Jesus to the seven churches in Asia Minor that we find in Revelation 2-3. This first church is the church at Ephesus. This is a message (2:1-7) to a church that is doing all the right things but there is something lacking in their heart.
There are five encouragements that Jesus gives to the church at Smyrna. These will help us when we face difficulties and troubles, trials and sufferings. Although this church endured much affliction in their life, the church is still remembered to this day while the city of Smyrna no longer exists.
Suffering is a reality even in the life of the Christian and does not necessarily mean we have done wrong. Smyrna was a church that was suffering. Jesus has three more things to say in relation to suffering. He also gives four specific kinds of suffering we can face because of our faith in Jesus Christ.
Jesus talks to the church at Pergamos about their doubts and reminds them that their doubts grow out of their relationships. To clear up the confusion, Jesus gives three things they must do. This is a study on a message Jesus gave to church number 3 in Asia Minor: Pergamos.
The church at Thyatira faced the success syndrom. Jesus has three distinct messages to the church in verses 18-29 and then He gives five principles for holding on to God's will and direction in your life and therefore be spiritually successful in God's eyes and for God's work.
In this lesson (Revelation 3:1), we are going to focus on how God can change our hearts and lives. Jesus knows the difference between reputation and reality. He says to this church, you have a reputation of being alive but you are dead.
In this message of Jesus to the church at Sardis, we are focusing on three prayers that you and I can pray based upon what Jesus said to this church. Specifically prayer number 2, "Lord, help me to close the gaps." will be unfolded in this lesson.
The message to the church at Philadelphia is what Jesus says to a growing church but also a struggling church. They're struggling with persecution and with having little strength. Jesus gives three keys to open the doors of abundant life.
This study begins our look at the last of 7 churches Jesus addresses in Revelation 2 and 3. We're going to focus on verses 14 to 16. As we study, let us carefully examine what Jesus says to a complacent church and be warned against it.
Complacency is a bad place to be. In Jesus' message, He shows the church at Laodicea what they need to do in order revive their passion and love for Jesus Christ. This lesson will remind us of what life is really all about and who God is to be in our life.
With Revelation 4, we enter the next major section of this book. As we start this study, we enter in to the throne room of heaven. It is important for us to remind ourselves of three perspectives when we come to this place in Revelation.
In this study, we are focusing on the One who is on the throne. We see Jesus in His purity, brilliance and holiness. This entire fourth chapter of Revelation brings us to a place of worship which is important because of the Tribulation passages to follow in this volume.
In this study, we will look at the 24 elders who are siting around the throne worshipping the One who is on the throne. Learn who these 24 elders are and what is their signficance. The throne is a place of worship and Jesus alone is the One who is worthy.
We enter into this throne room and see God's holiness. John records what he saw which is exactly what Isaiah and Ezekiel from the Old Testament saw. He longs for us to be a holy people. It is important that we understand this chief attribute of God.
We are going to lay our crowns before Almighty God one day. As we do so, we are recognizing the glory of Jesus. There are specific crowns mentioned in Scripture and probably even more we know nothing about. John sees this day coming and we rejoice together.
We see worship around the throne but this time the focus is on the seven-sealed scroll in the hand of One on the throne. What is it? This is important to understand. Much of the verses to follow speak of the contents of this scroll that John saw.
What is happening in these verses that cause John to profusely weep? Why is John so emotional? It has to do with a very precious inheritance that could be lost. The contents of the scroll are crucial to you and me. This scroll is important to the Revelation.
John describes the One who is worthy to open this scroll, Jesus Christ. The way the Apostle John describes Him is amazing. We will also notice there is someting humbling and amazing about how Jesus was seen in heaven. Christ alone is worthy!
We are experiencing this incredible worship time with John. We will see from this text that our prayers are a sacrifice burned as an incense before God. The prayers we pray will stand the test of time and they will last for all eternity. This challenges us to pray today.
Jesus, the Lamb of God, is on the throne. The innumerable count of angels sing about the 7 qualities of the Lamb who was slain: power, wealth, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and praise.
This lesson serves as an introduction to the various judgments that will come upon the earth during the Tribulation. We will also look at five general interpretations of Revelation and state which one is correct.
The seals begin to be opened and the Tribulation starts. In this lesson we will see that the white horse represents conquest (v 2) while the red horse represents war (vv 3,4).
We will see the third and fourth horseman . . one riding the black horse and the other riding the pale horse. Although these judgments take place during the Tribulation, there is also a message for us today.
In our study, we come to the 5th seal. We will see the martyrs, those who have given the ultimate sacrifice of their life because they love the Lord Jesus Christ. Are we willing to give ourselves?
In this passage, we have opened for us the 6th seal. Here we discover some very clear signs that the world is falling apart. We are reminded that today is the best time to seek Jesus.
In this chapter, we return back to heaven. Here we see signs that point to the Second Coming of Christ. Jesus taught about three types of signs. Let's briefly define each.
As we discover what is happening in heaven, we see three different groups of beings which tell us some powerful truths about God. The first is a group of angels teaching us to trust God.
The second group we see from heaven are the 144,000 saints on earth. Why is there so much confusion on these? Who are these? Where do they come from? What do they teach us about God?
Today we look at a multitude of believers in heaven. They serve to remind us of a very powerful truth of who God is and what He is doing in this world. God's greatest concern is our salvation.
This text shows us the Lord will not fail us nor does He fail those who will go through the future Tribulation. Their robes are washed in the blood of the Lamb and they come out white.