Lite Readings

Devotional readings to encourage and inspire

Walk Carefully

"See then that ye walk circumspectly [carefully], not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is." (Ephesians 5:15-17)

"Take care! Be careful where you go!" Most parents repeat these words to their young children over and over again. We see a clear connection between being cautious and leading intelligent lives in today's important passage. It's intriguing that the word "careful" in this section is a verb. It refers to an action that we take. Literally, it denotes vision, discernment, or perception. Christians are urged to actively assess their behavior while grabbing any opportunity to carry out God's intentions.


Although this scripture does not explicitly explain how we can determine God's will, it does offer some helpful hints. Verse 17 instructs us to "understand what the Lord's will is." How can we comprehend? by not being foolish. How are we not behaving foolishly? by exercising wisdom. What makes us wise? by taking great care in our daily lives. Therefore, I believe we could say that the first step to understanding what the will of the Lord is requires us to exercise caution and be careful.


How should one live carefully? Paul is not saying we should never take risks. In reality, following Jesus requires us to take risks. Rather, we live carefully because He is deserving and His ways are always the best. We choose to relinquish control and obey Christ. A purposeful life entails being careful. It is deliberate living.


It is quite simple to follow the path of the "American dream" or even the "Christian track," coasting through life while going with the flow. We wake up, read the Bible, leave for work, return home, attend church, go to Bible study, give and serve, etc. The days may become monotonous and mundane, as well as routine and repetitive. We attempt to avoid the "big sins," as we always have, and that is sufficient for us.


But no! Christ did not die on the cross to offer us this life. We have to be careful to avoid stumbling into this trap. To make sure that Christ, and not us, is in charge of our lives, we must always be aware of how we are living. Living carefully is wise because it helps us comprehend God's will as we live each day with and for Him.


Do you need to exercise extra caution in any area of your life in order to discern God's will? If so, give it to the Lord and rely on Him to guide you in making wise decisions.


Prayer: Father, Please remind me to tread carefully in my daily life. Lord, convict my heart and transform me. I don't want to merely coast through life, always taking the easy road. No matter where You lead me, I want to follow You. In Jesus' name, Amen.