Lite Readings

Devotional readings to encourage and inspire

The Christian Warfare

“For though we walk [live] in the flesh [world], we do not war after the flesh [as the world does]: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal [worldly], but mighty through God to the pulling down [demolishing] of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to [make it to] the obedience of Christ; ” (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)


There is an invisible war going on every day that we are alive. There is a titanic struggle between good and evil, and the fate of humanity is on the line. The combat is sometimes noticeable to our senses, while at other times it is not. However, it is real and continuous in either case. Christians are urged to be ready, stand firm, be strong, never stop praying, abide in Christ, and wear the entire armor of God throughout their life.


The important verse from today contrasts the tools of the world and the tools of God's people. We do not battle in the same manner or on behalf of the same causes. What differences do the weapons have? Ours are not of the flesh; they are not carnal. To advance the cause of Christ, we are not dependent on what individuals in the outside world do. We do not rely on human wisdom, ability, education, fortune, beauty, or anything else the world may offer. These things are not necessarily evil, but we shouldn't depend on them as weapons in our spiritual warfare.


The tools we employ don't inherently possess any worth or strength. God is the only source of their power. Although Paul does not expressly mention these weapons in this text, he did mention them before in this epistle to Corinth (see 2 Corinthians 6:6-7). Our weapons are true and pure. They originate from God and point people toward Him as He delivers them with His might to those who hear the gospel.


It is amazing that our ministry can be strong and effective through the blessing of God and the influence of His grace and Spirit. This ministry is for the conversion of sinners, the building up of the church, the defense of truth, and the growth of Christ's kingdom (not to mention the destruction of Satan's kingdom) in this world that is literally deteriorating before our eyes and taking countless souls with it!


Are you devotedly striving for the honor of Christ as a follower? If so, are you employing the appropriate tools? You don't have to be eloquent and charming, or have all the answers. All you need to do is be willing and walk in the Spirit of God.


Prayer: Thank You for preparing me for every good deed, gracious LORD. Help me to rely on You and fight with Your weapons rather than anything from this world. Above all, encourage me to love. In Jesus' name, Amen!