Lite Readings

Devotional readings to encourage and inspire

Taking A Stand

“Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead .  .  . “  Acts 4:10a


The handicapped man was begging for money when Peter first encountered him in Acts 3. The disabled were despised, avoided, and neglected during that time and even now in some parts of the world. They were viewed as flawed goods that weren’t worth salvaging.


This disabled man has probably lived alone all his life. He had likely given up on the idea of ever finding love and acceptance. He merely tried to get by on handouts during the day. But everything was about to change. Jesus was going to come face-to-face with him.


Peter’s reply to the man when he asked for money was wonderful. Peter told him, “Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” (Acts 3:6).  Peter was aware that he had something more valuable than cash, food, or water. He possessed the power of the living God and Peter gave that guy more than simply the power to walk.


After spending years with Jesus, Peter recognized this an opportunity to satisfy the deeper need of this man by giving him Jesus. So Peter satisfied his bodily need first and then he could meet the deeper need.


The healed man instantly ran to the Temple to praise the God who had healed him using his new, working legs. Peter intervened once more when the religious elders questioned him after seeing the miracle. Peter likewise rose tall and exalted the name of the Lord, as this disabled man did for the first time. Everyone was informed of the man’s healing and as well as his new motivation for starting his walk with Jesus. He saw to it that God was given the praise.


When was the last time you defended Jesus with confidence? Do you glorify His name above all others when you witness God at work or when He employs you to carry out His will? Do you focus on Him rather than anyone else or yourself?


Prayer: Loving Father, forgive me for the times I fail to remember that You alone are deserving of all recognition and praise for all things good. I praise other people so frequently while forgetting to thank You. Help me to always keep in mind that You are my Healer and the only hope for everyone. In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.