Lite Readings

Devotional readings to encourage and inspire


Did you know one of the most effective ways for a Christian to elevate Christ is through suffering? If we started to see every hardship, test, and unfair suffering as a chance that God has given us to share His message, how would our lives be different? Is there a  .  .  .

The fact that we have a personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe through Jesus Christ is one of the most striking truths that distinguishes Christianity from every other major world religion. We do not worship a wrathful,  .  .  .

We all have a choice when it comes to suffering. We may choose between bitterness or holiness as a reaction to suffering. According to Philippians 1:29, God has given us the ability to suffer alongside Jesus in addition to  .  .  . .

This verse contains God’s response to the Apostle Paul’s repeated requests for the removal of the excruciating “thorn in his flesh” that pained him. Paul’s reference to it as “a messenger from Satan sent to .  .  .