Lite Readings

Devotional readings to encourage and inspire


A man by the name of Saul experienced a miraculous conversion in the country of Syria in 33 A.D. He was the least probable person on earth to follow Christ at the moment. He actually despised, pursued, and .  .  .

When Jesus was on earth and teaching His followers, He frequently used stories called "parables." Often His disciples did not understand, and He had to explain the meaning of these parables. One such parable, the parable of the seeds, was explained by Jesus.

I can almost picture it now. On a hot day, a massive crowd of hungry people gathered to meet and listen to Jesus.The text tells us there were 5,000 men, plus women and children, who had  approached Jesus and His disciples on .  .  .

God created the Christian life to necessitate reliance on Him. This passage (1 Peter 1:6–7) reveals one of the ways He has accomplished this. Trials strengthen our faith if we persevere. The word "heaviness" in the text is synonymous . . . .