Lite Readings

Devotional readings to encourage and inspire

Praying God's Will or not Praying at All

“Ye lust [desire], and have not: [so you] ye kill, and desire to have [covet], and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not [not ask God]. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss [with wrong motives], that ye may consume [spend] it upon your lusts [pleasures].” (James 4:2,3)

One of the most profound statements I have ever heard about prayer goes something like this, “Nothing lies beyond the reach of prayer except that which lies outside the will of God.”


Anything that is in accordance with God's will is a done deal. The size of the request is irrelevant. No matter how challenging it may humanly seem, God will still answer that petition, and He will grant your request!


Every Christian would do well to latch on to that truth and claim it. Yes, you may say that it is daunting to make massive requests that you are unsure are even achievable. If that's the case, read over and over the truth from James 4:2–3, which gives you hope even in the darkest of hours. After all, we serve a God with whom all things are possible. So don't be afraid to ask if you are praying in accordance with His will. Trust Him to work things out for your good and His glory as you offer Him all of your prayers and petitions.


Remember that God cannot answer a prayer that has never been prayed. After all, according to the Bible, you don't have it because you don't ask.


Humanly speaking, I suspect the unasked requests that we leave on the table that God would have answered are what most upsets God. So don't be afraid or reluctant to give Him your prayers. No request is too large, significant, or overwhelming for Him to accept and answer.


Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for being a sovereign God with whom all things are possible. I ask that you give me the courage to make bold requests in accordance with your will and that I not be afraid to pray for anything that appears impossible or too insurmountable. Help me to be obedient in the meantime and to trust you with the outcomes. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.