Lite Readings
Lite Readings
Devotional readings to encourage and inspire
"And if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him.” 1 John 5:15
As followers of Jesus, we can be confident in the fact that God hears and answers our prayers. In today's key passage, the word "hear" refers to both listening to something and acting on it. When we pray, God does hear us. In actuality, there is no such thing as an unanswered prayer. God hears and answers our prayers. The Lord simply provides answers to our prayers in various ways.
Let's examine the four possible ways that God can respond to our prayers.
Yes - This is always the response we love to hear from God when we ask for anything. It's even more thrilling when this response arrives practically instantly, in some cases. If we're being completely honest, this is the response we anticipate every time we pray.
Yes, but not just now - For God, timing is everything. God might at times want what you want, but He just does not want it at the same time as you do. Even though what you're praying for might be truly wonderful, He might want you to wait for it.
Yes, but — This response appears when you and God have similar intentions or expectations for your life, but God's response to your petition differs from what you had in mind. For instance, you might have a strong desire for a profession that enables you to assist people, such as becoming a lawyer or a doctor. Although the Lord wants you to be able to assist others, He may direct you toward a calling in ministry. God and you both had the same intention, but God carried it out differently. Always keep in mind that His ways are far superior to ours in this particular circumstance.
No - The most difficult response to hear from God is "no," yet we must never forget that He always has our best interests in mind. He might be safeguarding you against something. He may be holding back for something or someone better. God may have something special in store for you in the future. Therefore, don't pout, become agitated, or get angry when He says "no". Just have faith that He is acting in your best interests and that His "no" will pave the path for a better "yes."
Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for constantly hearing my prayers. You never fail to answer a single prayer, even if the outcome may not be exactly what I had hoped for. Give me the discernment I need to recognize Your responses to my prayers, as well as the faith I need to believe that, regardless of how You respond, You are always acting in my best interests. Amen.