Lite Readings

Devotional readings to encourage and inspire

First Love

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33)


A mother and her small 5-year-old daughter were snuggled together on the bed. Together, they watched Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. When the story ended, the little girl was ecstatic. She rushed outside to welcome her father when he arrived home from work. Upon entrance into the home, she asked her father, “Dad, can I tell you the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?” He responded, “Sure.” She began telling him the story, and as she got to the part where the prince kisses Snow White, she began to doze off but softly said, “Daddy, do you know what happened then?” Knowing how fairy tales generally end, the father responded, “Sure! They lived happily ever after.” “Oh no, Daddy,” she exclaimed, “they got married.”


Is it possible to marry and have a happy life together? It is not only achievable but also God's will. Why is it that so many couples are unhappy when it seems that God wants all of them to be happy? According to a recent survey, 75% of married people would say their marriage is everything but happy. Numerous young adults are choosing to live together first to “try things out” before committing to marriage out of fear that they will get married and be miserable. Alternatively, they may be choosing to cohabitate without ever getting married because they feel they “don't need a piece of paper to show that we love each other.”


However, the reality is that being happily married is not about finding the right person. Rather, it is about being the right person. And having a close relationship with Jesus Christ is the first step in becoming the right person. Without Christ at the center of our lives, it is impossible to establish a marriage that exalts and glorifies God. For each individual to live within a marriage in accordance with God's instructions, that person must surrender. This entails showing one another love in a variety of ways, including service, forgiveness, kindness, understanding, respect, and physical closeness, among other traits.


Why aren’t there more happy marriages? Unfortunately, too many married people choose not to love Jesus first and foremost in their lives. Marriage is one of the relationships that will benefit the most from a close, developing connection with God.


Prayer: Dear Jesus, please help me understand that before I can commit to another person, I must first love and commit to You and Your ways. Teach me to get to know you better and better each day so that I may get to know the people I love more.