Lite Readings

Devotional readings to encourage and inspire

Looking away from our surroundings and toward God is one of the best things we can do to overcome depression, worry, tension, and any other difficult emotion. When we pray to the Father at difficult moments  .  .  .

Serving those in need is one of the most powerful ways to experience Christ’s joy. Nothing gets your mind off your own issues faster than helping others. The reality is that no matter how terrible things get, there is always  .  .  .

A Christian’s life should not be centered on themselves. Christ and His glory should be our constant focus. We should focus our efforts on getting to know Him and carrying out His mission. However, it is occasionally necessary to set aside .  .  .

It can be challenging at times to remember that God has a plan for our pain especially when our pain remains unchanged. However, maintaining an eternal viewpoint does result in contentment in every situation. Wherever .  .  .

Do you ever simply feel worn out, weary, or exhausted? Not only physically exhausted but also emotionally or spiritually worn out? Everybody experiences moments when it feels impossible to move forward, answer a  .  .  .