Lite Readings

Devotional readings to encourage and inspire

At a wedding in Canaan, Mary, the mother of Jesus, glanced at some servants and said, simply, ‘Do whatever He tells you.’ (see John 2:5). This was a simple, straightforward statement. Ask no questions, have no hesitations—just follow Jesus’ instructions .  .  . 

Even those with clear consciences might experience guilt. All of us sin and do wrong. We keep getting hauled back into God's courtroom to answer  and face charges. Next, we read in Romans 8:33, “Who shall lay any thing to the .  .  .  .



Did you know one of the most effective ways for a Christian to elevate Christ is through suffering? If we started to see every hardship, test, and unfair suffering as a chance that God has given us to share His message, how would our lives be different? Is there a  .  .  .

It’s true that big things come in little packages. When it comes to words, this is very true. Among the simplest words in the English language are some of the most significant, potent, and transformative ones. The little word “but” is .  .  .

I firmly believe that more churches today are quenching the Spirit of God than we would like to acknowledge. Unfortunately, it is rare to find a church that preaches and teaches the whole counsel of God’s word today. .  .  .